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Juliana Dias
By Juliana Dias
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WP Ultimo 101

WP Ultimo is a WordPress Multisite plugin that enables you to offer a WaaS or Websites as a Service to customers. Before we dive in and learn how WP Ultimo can help your business and customers there is some foundational knowledge that we need to acquire. The WordPress Multisite Most of us are familiar with the stock-standard WordPress installation. You either create it via the control panel of your hosting provider or, for the brave, set up a new web server and database, download the core files and begin the installation process. This works for millions of WordPress sites all over the world but from the perspective of an agency or hosting provider let’s discuss volumes for a minute. Whilst it is a synch to create one WordPress site or even a hundred via an automated control panel problems soon start to show themselves when it falls to the management of these sites. Left unmanaged you’re a prime target for malware. To manage means an exercise of effort and resources and although there are external tools and plugins available to help streamline the management and administration of WordPress sites the fact that customers maintain administrative access means that these efforts could easily be defeated. Within its core, WordPress provides a feature simply titled ‘Multisite’ which traces its origins back to 2010 at the launch of WordPress 3.0. Since then it has received a number of revisions aimed at introducing new features and tightening security. In essence, a WordPress multisite can be thought of as this: A University maintains a single installation of WordPress but each faculty maintains their own WordPress site. To break down this statement let’s take a look at some of the basic terminology present not only in WP Ultimo’s documentation but also across the WordPress community. The Network In terms of WordPress, a multisite network is where a number of subsites can be managed from a single dashboard. Although creating a multisite network differs between hosting providers, the end result is usually a few additional directives in the wp-config.php file to let WordPress know that it is operating in this specific mode. There are a number of distinct differences between a multisite network and a stand-alone WordPress installation which we shall briefly discuss. Subdomain vs. Subdirectory One of the most immediate decisions you will need to make is whether the multisite installation will operate with subdirectories or subdomains. WP Ultimo works equally well with both choices but there are some architectural differences between the two configurations. In subdirectory configuration, network sites inherit a path based upon the main domain name. For example a network site labelled ‘site1’ will have it’s full URL as http://domain.com/site1. In subdomain configuration, the network site will have its own subdomain derived from the main domain name. Thus a site labelled ‘site1’ will have its full URL as http://site1.domain.com/. Whilst both options are perfectly valid choices, the use of subdomains does offer a number of advantages but also requires more thought and planning in its architecture. In terms of DNS the use of subdirectories presents a relatively simple challenge. As network sites are simply children of the parent path, only a single domain name entry needs to exist for the main domain name. For subdomains the challenge is a little more complex requiring either a separate CNAME entry for each network site or a wildcard (*) entry in the DNS records. A further area of consideration is that of SSL and the issuance and use of SSL certificates. In subdirectory configuration a single domain certificate can be used as the network sites are simply paths of the main domain name. Thus a certificate for domain.com will adequately provide SSL for https://domain.com/site1, https://domain.com/site2 and so on. In subdomain configuration the use of a wildcard SSL certificate is one of the most common options. This type of SSL certificate provides encryption for a domain and its subdomains. Therefore a wildcard SSL certificate will provide encryption for https://site1.domain.com, https://site2.domain.com and https://domain.com itself. Although other options exist, these are often limited in scope and application and require additional configuration and consideration with regards to suitability. Plugins and Themes What WordPress giveth it taketh away as well, at least from the perspective of the customer. In a stand-alone WordPress installation if the site administrator installs a bad plugin or fails to keep their installation up to date the only victim and casualty of this act is themselves. However, a site administrator installing a bad plugin on a multisite installation creates a victim of every site installed in the network. For this reason when configured as a multisite WordPress removes the capability from site administrators to install plugins and themes and instead moves this capability to a newly created network administrator or ‘super admin’ role. This privileged role can then decide whether to allow administrators of network sites to see or access the plugins menu in their dashboard and, if so, whether such permissions extend to activating or deactivating plugins. To this extent the network administrator is responsible for installing plugins and themes into the network and delegates permissions to make use of these plugins and themes to network sites. Site administrators cannot install plugins and themes or access plugins and themes not assigned to their site. Users and Administrators In a WordPress Multisite, all network sites share the same database and therefore share the same users, roles and capabilities. The most apt way to think of it is that all users are members of the network and not a particular site. Given this understanding it may be undesirable to allow users to be created and for this reason WordPress Multisite removes this capability from the site administrators and moves this capability to that of the network administrator. In turn the network administrator can delegate the necessary privileges to a site administrator to allow them to create user accounts for their own site. Reiterating the statement above, although the user accounts appear to be related to the site they are in fact allocated to the network and therefore must be unique across the network. There may be instances where usernames are unavailable to be registered due to this reason. Although not a foreign concept in enterprise systems, this single source of user registration and authentication is often a difficult concept to understand for people familiar with stand-alone WordPress installations where user administration is somewhat easier. Media Where network sites share a single database in a WordPress Multisite, they maintain separate paths on the filesystem for media files. The standard WordPress location (wp-content/uploads) remains; however, its path is altered to reflect the network site’s unique ID. Consequently media files for a network site appear as wp-contents/uploads/site/[id]. Permalinks We mentioned before that there are distinctive advantages of subdomain over subdirectory configuration and here it is: paths. In a subdirectory configuration, the main site (the first site created when the network is established) and network subsites must share the same path leading from the domain name. This has the potential for a great number of conflicts. For posts, a mandatory /blog/ path is added to the main site to prevent clashes with network sites. This means that pretty permalinks such as ‘Post name’ will be presented as domain.name/blog/post-name/ In a subdomain configuration this action is not necessary because each network site benefits from complete domain separation and thus need not rely on a single path. They instead maintain their own distinct paths based on their subdomain. Static Pages In subdirectory configuration the potential for naming conflicts extends to static pages as the main site and network sites share the same path. To prevent this, WordPress provides a means to blacklist certain site names so that they do not conflict with the names of the first site. Typically the network administrator would enter the root paths of the main site’s pages. In subdomain configuration the possibility of naming conflicts are mitigated by the subdomain as it is unique to the network site and not related in any way to the main site. Registration Within the network settings of WordPress Multisite several new user registration options are available, allowing new and existing users to create sites. As opposed to stand-alone WordPress installations, network sites do not maintain the familiar options to allow user registrations or assign those registrations to roles. When user accounts are created those accounts are generated at the network level. Thus instead of belonging to any one particular site they instead belong to the network. This has some distinctive advantages and disadvantages. For example, assume your WordPress Multisite was in the business of news and information. You would establish the multisite and then create network sites for finance, technology, entertainment and other areas of interest whilst maintaining overall control of plugins and themes. Each network site would in turn have a far greater level of control over the look and feel and user experience of their network site than would custom post types or regular post categories. To this extent when a user logs in they log in to the network and ultimately are logged in to each network site as well to provide a seamless experience. If your new site was subscription based this would be the ideal solution and outcome. If, however, the intended nature and purpose of the multisite was to offer disparate network sites who have no relationship to each other it is almost always the case that external or additional plugins be required to manipulate the user roles. Domain and SSL Let’s talk about a WordPress Multisite installation that almost escapes our attention - Wordpress.com. This is by far the most extensive example of a Wordpress multisite and demonstrates its extensive abilities to be customized and moulded to fulfil a purpose. These days on the modern internet the use of SSL is almost mandatory and network administrators of WordPress multisites are soon presented with these challenges. In subdomain configuration sites are created based on the root domain name. Thus a site labelled ‘site1’ would be created as ‘site1.domain.com’. Making use of a wildcard SSL certificate, a network administrator can successfully address this challenge and provide SSL encryption abilities for the network. WordPress Multisite contains a domain mapping function that allows for network sites to be associated with custom domain names or domain names different from the network’s root domain. For network administrators this presents an additional layer of complexity both in domain name configuration as well as the issuance and maintenance of SSL certificates. To this extent whilst WordPress Multisite provides a means to allow www.anotherdomain.com to be mapped to ‘site1’ the network administrator is left with the challenge of externally managing the DNS entries and the implementation of SSL certificates. WP Ultimo With the differences between a stand-alone WordPress installation and a Multisite installation understood, let's take a look at how WP Ultimo is the ultimate arsenal for providing Websites as a Service. Introduction WP Ultimo is your Swiss Army knife when it comes to creating a Website as a Service (WaaS). Think of Wix.com, Squarespace, WordPress.com and then think of owning your own service. Under the hood WP Ultimo makes use of WordPress Multisite but it does so in a way that not only solves the myriad of challenges network administrators face with multisite installations but enhances the capabilities allowing for a wide variety of use cases to be supported. In the following sections we will take a look at some common use cases and considerations required to support those cases. Use Cases Case 1: An Agency Typically the core skills of an agency lie in the design of websites with aspects such as their hosting or marketing being listed as additional services. For agencies WP Ultimo presents an incredible value proposition in its abilities to host and manage multiple websites on a single platform. Even more so for agencies who standardize their designs on particular themes such as GeneratePress, Astra, OceanWP or others can leverage WP Ultimo’s abilities to automatically activate these themes for each new site. Similarly with the abundance of deals for agency pricing to common and popular plugins, the use of WP Ultimo allows agencies to leverage existing investments by providing a common platform from which plugins can be installed, maintained and made use of. Most likely the use of a configuration would be desired and fortunately WP Ultimo makes it incredibly easy to facilitate domain mapping and SSL certificates with its integrations for a number of popular hosting providers as well as services such as Cloudflare and cPanel. Thus by leveraging one of these providers or by placing WP Ultimo behind Cloudflare aspects such as the management of domains and SSL certificates become somewhat trivial. Agencies who prefer to keep a tight control over the creation of sites will appreciate the ease at which they can create sites and associate sites with customers and plans through WP Ultimo’s streamlined interface. Tight control over plugins and themes are maintained on a per-product basis through WP Ultimo’s intuitive interfaces allowing plugins and themes to be made available or hidden as well as their activation state when instantiated for a new site. Themes provide similar functionality, allowing for particular themes to be activated or hidden on site creation. Agencies will find peace of mind with WP Ultimo allowing them to do what they do best - design exceptional web sites. Case 2: Niche Provider There is an old saying which says, “do one thing and do it well”. For many specialists this means creating a product or service around a single core idea. Perhaps you are an avid golfer promoting websites to clubs or you might be an avid esports gamer providing websites to clans. An individual promoting a booking service to restaurants perhaps? For many reasons you would want to provide services based on a common framework and platform. It could be that you have designed or invested in bespoke plugins to provide the required functionality or it may be the case that industry best practices require some form of standardized approach to design. One of WP Ultimo’s innovative features is the use of template sites. A template site is one where the theme has been installed and activated, necessary plugins installed and activated and sample posts or pages created. When a customer creates a new site based upon the template, the contents and settings of the template are copied to the newly created site. For a provider of niche sites and services this provides an unparalleled advantage in the ability to instantly create a site ready to go with custom plugins and design. The customer need only provide the most minimal input to complete the service. Depending on the requirements both subdirectory or subdomain configurations may suit, in which case the architecture choices would be between a simple SSL certificate for subdirectories or a wildcard SSL certificate for subdomains. Case 3: WordPress Web Hosting There are a myriad of ways to host WordPress sites but rarely is it as simple as providing web space to a customer with a pre-installed version of WordPress. This is because a number of decisions and considerations need to come together to provide a meaningful service. WP Ultimo excels in this area by providing a comprehensive turnkey solution for the hosting of WordPress sites. Included in the solution are the core mechanisms to provide subscription services, payment collection, checkout forms, discount vouchers and customer communications. Much of the integral work required to correctly install, configure and maintain a WordPress Multisite is facilitated by WP Ultimo to the extent that network administrators need only consider aspects as it relates to their service or niche such as product tiers, pricing and service offers. For developers wishing to integrate with WP Ultimo, the solution also offers a comprehensive RESTful API and Webhooks for event notification. Without reliance on a myriad of external plugins and licenses, WP Ultimo provides a feature rich and comparable solution to that of Wix, Squarespace, WordPress.com and others. Architecture Considerations Whilst not a comprehensive guide, the following items should serve as guidance to the correct selection of technologies to support a WP Ultimo installation. Shared vs. Dedicated Hosting Unfortunately not all hosting providers are equal and some practice extreme server densities. Low-cost providers typically generate revenue by maximizing server density. As such your WP Ultimo installation may only be one of several hundred sites on the same server. Without appropriate safeguards in place from the provider, sites on a shared server experience the ‘noisy neighbour’ problem. That is, a site on the same server consuming that many resources that other sites have to compete for the remaining resources. Often this presents itself as sites that are slow or fail to respond in a timely manner. As a provider of web hosting yourself the flow on effects will mean that your customers experience poor speeds, low page rank and high bounce rates often resulting in customer churn as they seek services elsewhere. In short, cheap does not mean good. WP Ultimo is known to work with a number of good hosting providers and integrates well with their environment to provide functions such as domain mapping and automatic SSL. These providers value performance and provide a higher grade service than shared hosting. For a list of compatible providers and complete set-up instructions for each please check the documentation of Compatible Providers. Performance Considerations WP Ultimo is not a slow application, rather, it is remarkably fast. It does, however, perform only as good as the underlying application and infrastructure and can leverage only that which it has access to. Consider this: You’re the network administrator of a WP Ultimo installation with 100 sites. Some of those sites are doing well and attract a number of website visitors each day. This scenario would be different on a smaller scale of say one to five sites but before long problems of scale would be evident. Left unattended, the single WP Ultimo site would be responsible for fulfilling the requests of all visitors to the sites. These requests could be for dynamic PHP pages or static assets such as stylesheets, javascript or media files. Whether one or a hundred sites, these tasks become repetitive, monotonous and wasteful. It is unnecessary to use CPU power and memory to process a PHP file when the output is the same static information for every request. Similarly one request for a PHP or HTML page in turn generates multiple succeeding requests for scripts, stylesheets and image files. Those requests are targeted directly to your WP Ultimo server. One could easily solve this problem by upgrading the server but it does not fix a secondary problem - geographic latencies. Only multiple servers in multiple locations could properly address this problem. For this reason most network administrators make use of front-end caching solutions and content distribution networks (CDN) to fulfill the requests for static pages. Fulfilling these requests and serving assets before the request reaches the server saves processing resources, eliminates delays, avoids unnecessary upgrades and maximizes technology investments. WP Ultimo includes a sophisticated Cloudflare add-on enabling network administrators to place their installations behind Cloudflare and make use of not only its caching capabilities but DNS hosting, SSL certificates and security mechanisms as well. Backups One could ask 50 people for advice on backups and receive 50 different opinions on backup strategies. The answer is, it depends. What is not disputed is that backups are required and that it is almost inconceivable that these are not managed by the provider, specifically one that offers a managed service. Consequently customers will look to the network administrator to provide and manage this service. Who the network administrator looks to is an entirely different problem. For the purposes of this section let us agree that a backup is a point-in-time copy of the system state at the time the backup was initiated. Simply put, whatever the state of the system is at the time of the backup that state is captured and locked away in the backup. With this understanding the answer as to how to achieve the backups and what is best for your environment will largely depend on your requirements and the hosting provider’s ability to satisfy those requirements. However, in the order of most opinionated to least opinionated, the below options should provide some guidance. Snapshots Snapshots are the silver bullets to backups because they are easy, uncomplicated (until you want to restore) and ‘just work’. It does require some help from your provider though and mostly applies only if you have a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or similar. Several providers listed in our ‘Compatible Providers’ documentation offer backups requiring no further intervention or consideration by the network administrator. Where traditional backups target files and databases, a snapshot targets the entire disk. This means not only is the site’s data captured in the snapshot but the operating system and configuration as well. For many this is a distinct advantage as a new system can be spawned nearly instantly from a snapshot and be brought into operation to replace an ailing instance. Similarly, the recovery process to retrieve files only requires attaching the snapshot image as a disk to an existing instance so that the files can be accessed and copied. Snapshots may attract an additional cost with the hosting provider but it is an insurance policy against accidents. External Scripts There appears to be no shortage of external scripts and solutions to backup WordPress and MySQL resources and these would work well for WP Ultimo as it is a WordPress plugin making use of the WordPress filesystem and database. Thus a solution that backs up WordPress sites would adequately cover WP Ultimo’s needs. We cannot recommend any one script over another but our general advice is to run several backup and restore tests to ensure that the results are desired and to ‘be sure to be sure’ by continuously evaluating the script and its functionality specifically where some form of differential backup strategy is applied. It should be noted these scripts, whilst running, will increase system load which should be taken into account. Plugins There is almost no problem in WordPress that cannot be solved with a plugin and if managing external scripts is not your cup of java then perhaps a plugin is the next best option. Whilst plugins vary in options and features they mostly perform the same function and that is to make a copy of the WordPress files and database contents. Thereafter functionalities differ as some plugins can ship the backups to external services such as Google Drive or Dropbox or to some sort of compatible object storage service such as S3, Wasabi or others. The more comprehensive plugins provide differential backups or some sort of strategy to backup only data that has been changed to save external storage costs. In selecting your plugin, do take care to verify that it is multisite aware. Due to its nature of operation whilst the backup is running you can expect temporary load on the server until the process has been completed. Domain and SSL Much has been discussed already regarding domain names in multisite subdomain mode. An almost universal solution for network administrators is to make use of wildcard DNS entries. This type of DNS entry will successfully resolve subdomains such as ‘site1.domain.com’ and ‘site2.domain.com’ to an IP address of thus supporting WP Ultimo and to a larger extent WordPress Multisite using subdomain mode. This may work perfectly well for HTTP because the target host is read from the HTTP headers but rarely is the web so simple these days where secure HTTPS transactions are almost mandatory. Fortunately there are easy options for SSL certificates. In subdirectory mode a regular domain certificate can be used. These are readily and freely available from hosting providers who might use the free LetsEncrypt service or another source. Otherwise these are commercially available from authorities if you are able to generate the certificate signing request. For subdomain mode the use of a wildcard SSL certificate will pair perfectly with a wildcard domain and allow the certificate to be authoritative for the root domain and all subdomains without extraneous configuration. However, it should be noted that wildcard SSL certificates may not work with services such as Cloudflare unless you are on an enterprise plan or set the entry to DNS only in which case all caching and optimization is bypassed. Out-of-the-box WP Ultimo provides a solution to this problem demonstrating our extensive experience with the needs of WordPress multisites. Activating this simple add-on will have WP Ultimo make use of your Cloudflare credentials to automatically add DNS entries for network sites in Cloudflare and set their mode to ‘proxied’. In this manner each network subsite, when created, will have the full protection and benefits of Cloudflare including SSL. Depending on the nature and purpose of your WP Ultimo installation there may be a need for customers to use their own domains. In this case the network administrator is charged with solving two problems. One, the hosting of the domain name and two, SSL certificates for the domain. For many, the use of Cloudflare is an easy option. The customer need only place their domain on Cloudflare, point a CNAME to the root domain of WP Ultimo and map their domain in WP Ultimo to begin taking advantage of their custom domain name. Outside of this, alternative solutions need to be sought which is why WP Ultimo recommends a list of Compatible Providers. This is because the process of setting up DNS and SSL can be a non-trivial process. However, with WP Ultimo’s integration with these providers the complexity is much removed and the procedure is automated. Plugins It is highly likely that you would need additional plugins to provide functionality to your customers or network sites. Do all plugins work with WordPress Multisite and WP Ultimo? Well, it depends. Whilst most plugins are installable in a WordPress Multisite their activation and licensing varies from author to author. The challenge lies in how licensing is applied with some plugins requiring licensing on a per-domain basis. This would mean that for some plugins the network administrator needs to manually activate the license for each plugin on each new site. Therefore it might be best to check with the plugin author as to how their plugin would work with a WordPress Multisite and any special requirements or procedures required to license it.

Last updated on Jun 14, 2023

Understanding the WP Ultimo Dashboard

Before we immerse ourselves in more advanced configuration options and the operational aspects of WP Ultimo let us take a look at the dashboard. Like many WordPress plugins, WP Ultimo creates a network-level menu entry titled ‘WP Ultimo’ with a number of children entries underneath. Network Dashboard Widgets WP Ultimo injects a few useful widgets into the network-level dashboard. This dashboard is found by navigating to My Sites > Network Admin > Dashboard. The widgets are designed to provide easy access to information and common operations for the network administrator. First Steps This widget predominantly appears on a fresh installation of WP Ultimo such as ours and reminds the network administrator to complete additional tasks. Summary The summary widget reports on the number of signups and their revenue for the day. The MRR (monthly recurring revenue) indicates a projected total across customers with revenue-generating memberships. Activity Stream This widget reports on events across WP Ultimo for which there is a variety to report on. Events could include aspects such as signups, cancellations, creations, and deletions of sites and other activities. Please refer to the events section of the documentation for a more detailed description. Right Now This utility widget displays a short summary of users and sites in the network. Handy shortcuts at the top allow for one-click access to create new sites or users. News and Discussions This widget fetches and displays the latest WP Ultimo news. It is advantageous to keep an eye on this widget for information about updates, critical bugs, and security fixes. WP Ultimo Dashboard Where the network-level dashboard presents holistic information about the network the WP Ultimo dashboard located at the top-level of the WP Ultimo menu presents information about the service. Welcome Tour On a fresh installation of WP Ultimo a brief welcome tour is displayed familiarizing the network administrator with the dashboard and its new functions. Customers of WP Ultimo 1.x will notice the dashboard as a new addition as well as more intuitive navigation and options. Documentation At the top of the dashboard lies the ‘Documentation’ link. The documentation (this documentation) contains a wealth of information regarding the installation, operation, support, and maintenance of WP Ultimo as well as ancillary information designed to be helpful to the network administrator. The documentation link is prevalent on most WP Ultimo pages providing contextual help when called upon. Thus when working with sites, for example, the documentation link will provide help related to the creation and management of network sites. Monthly Recurring Revenue Growth Leading from the network-level widget the MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) displays a monthly breakdown of revenue over a 12-month calendar period. New revenue is tracked in blue color while cancellations are reflected in red color. Date-range Support Depending on the number of customers, activity, and type of information statistics soon become overwhelming, difficult to find, and difficult to interpret. The date-range support built into the dashboard allows the network administrator to focus on only the information and information period required. The date range governs the period of the information displayed by the widgets directly below. These widgets display a range of information with respect to the network such as signups, cancellations, and demographics.

Last updated on Oct 14, 2023

Checkout Forms

Checkout Forms are an easy and flexible way to experiment with different approaches when trying to convert new customers. WP Ultimo 2.0 offers a Checkout Form editor that allows you to create as many forms as you want, with different fields, products on offer, etc. To access this feature, go to the Checkout Forms menu, on the left side-bar. On this page, you can see all the checkout forms you have. If you want to create a new one, just click Add Checkout Form on the top of the page. You can select one of these three options as your starting point: single step, multi-step or blank. Then, click to Go to the Editor. Alternatively, you can edit or duplicate the forms you already have by clicking on the options below its name. There, you will also find the options to copy the form’s shortcode or to delete the form. Editing a Checkout Form You can create checkout forms for different purposes. In this example we will work on a registration form. After navigating to the checkout form editor, give your form a name (that will be used for internal reference only) and a slug (used to create shortcakes, for example). Forms are made of steps and fields. You can add a new step by clicking on Add New Checkout Step. On the first tab of the modal window, fill the content of your form’s step. Give it an ID, a name and a description. These items are mostly used internally. Next, set the visibility of the step. You can choose between “Always show”, “Only show for logged in users” or “Only show for guests”. Finally, configure the step style. These are optional fields. Now, it’s time to add fields to our first step. Just click to Add New Field and select the type of section you want. Each field has different parameters to be filled. For this first entrance, we will select the “Username” field. You can add as many steps and fields as you need. To display your products for your customers to pick one, use the Pricing Table field. If you want to let your clients choose a template, add the Template Selection field. And so on. Note: username, email, password, site title, site URL, order summary, payment, and submit button are mandatory fields to create a checkout form. While you are working on your checkout form, you can always use the Preview button to see how your clients will see the form. You can also alternate between view as an existing user or a visitor Finally, on Advanced Options you can configure the message for the “Thank You” page, add snippets to track conversions, add custom CSS to your checkout form or restrict it to certain countries. You can also manually enable or disable your checkout form by toggling this option on the right column, or delete permanently the form. Don’t forget to save your checkout form! To get your form’s shortcode click to Generate Shortcode and copy the result shown on the modal window.

Last updated on Oct 14, 2023

Touring the Admin Panel

The WP Ultimo Grand Tour The Ultimate WaaS Solution. WP Ultimo aims to be as simple and self-explanatory as possible, but when you have a tool that does as much as ours do, it might be overwhelming to learn how to navigate the plugin options and admin pages on your own. In this lesson, we'll have a tour of the WP Ultimo admin pages to help you get situated. We'll also cover particular pages of interest when getting started and teach you how to use The Jumper to get around faster. Dashboard WP Ultimo Dashboard will show you some basic reports and analytics. This includes revenues, site activities like which product is selling, how many new memberships your site is getting, the number of site visitors, and its location. Checkout Forms The Checkout Forms will give you the flexibility you need to create custom registration pages. You can customize and pick the fields and information you wish to collect from your users. You can also insert custom classes and custom scripts within your form as well as put restrictions based on visitor or user country or location. Products The Products section is where you can create different plans, packages, and services you wish to offer within your network. Here you can define the prices, billing frequencies, as well as limits & quotas on the product level Memberships The Memberships page will allow you to see the list of subscriptions within your network. You can review and edit members subscription details such as plans and products included in their subscription, the number of sites, billing amount and frequency, payment history of each member and timestamps. Payments Payments page will give you a quick view of the payment history within your entire network as well as detailed payment information of a specific transaction. Like specific product and amount paid by the customer for that transaction. Customers The Customers page will show the list of members registered in your network. This page displays basic user information including name and email address, last login, and also a "switch to" link that will allow you to log in to the user's subsite as a site administrator instead of a super admin account. Sites Sites page contains the complete list of subsites within your network. This includes the "site templates" and subsites owned by customers or members of your network. You can easily access and manage subsites details like mapped domains, limits & quotas, plugins and themes, and site thumbnail. Domains The Domains page is dedicated to custom domains or mapped domains associated with subsites within your network. As a super admin, you have an option to manually add or map custom domain names from here. You can edit or view specific details of each domain from here like DNS records and logs Discount Codes Discount Codes are basically coupon codes should you wish to offer discounts to your end-users. You can create a coupon code from here and specify the desired discount value you want to issue to a specific or a group of users. Broadcasts Broadcasts is a useful tool for super admin in rolling out announcements or sending private messages to your subsite users. You can target specific user groups based on the plan or product they are subscribed under. Settings The Settings page is where you go to configure WP Ultimo. You can edit things such as registration settings, payments, API and webhooks, domain mapping and other integrations. You can also access and install WP Ultimo add-ons from here. Installing WP Ultimo Add-ons To install WP Ultimo add-ons go to the Add-ons block on the right side of the Settings page and click the Check our Add-ons button. This will redirect you to the list of WP Ultimo add-ons, where you can download and install them. Events The Events page keeps a record of all the events and logs happening within your entire network. It tracks different activities happening in your multisite, like plan changes. This is super useful in helping you monitor different movements or changes. Webhooks This section is for advanced users as webhooks are commonly used to deliver data to another application. This is useful should you need to send data from WP Ultimo to another platform like Zapier.

Last updated on Oct 14, 2023